I CHALLENGE you to FINALLY master the American accent!

actor american accent challenge Mar 02, 2022
Katherine Beck, The All American Actorā€™s Podcast

Episode 44: I CHALLENGE you to FINALLY master the American accent!


In today's episode I am challenging you to master the American accent!

If you have been wondering what's wrong with your American accent or why you are not booking roles then this episode is for you.


If you're ready to be the working Actor you dream to be then let's get to work!

By the time you finish listening, you’ll know:

  • Why a challenge can help you in your Acting career
  • How time can give you clarity in your goals
  • How to challenge yourself to get the results you want

If this episode inspires you then I'd love to hear from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram stories and tag me@katherine_beck_ !

Then follow me on Instagram to go 'behind the scenes' with me and my own journey as an American accent coach and Voiceover Actor.


Join me for our next All American accent challenge!

Register for my FREE American accent challenge here: katherinebeck.com/challenge




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You're listening to the All American actors Podcast, episode 44. In today's episode, I am challenging you to finally master the American accent. That's coming up next, ready to go behind the scenes and learn what it really takes to build a sustainable career as a working actor in the US film and TV industry. Join me Katherine Beck, your all American accent coach, as I give you the insight and inspiration to take action on your career, learn my best tips and tricks to performing with an American accent and hear from working actors and other industry professionals. To give you a comprehensive overview of this biz we call showbiz. This is the All American actors podcast. Before we jump into today's episode, I just want to take a quick moment to give a big shout out to Henry gib, who sent me this five star review and says Katherine does an excellent job guiding actors in all areas. Her podcast is an excellent resource for those mastering the American accent. Well, thank you very much, Henry. I do appreciate your kind words. And yeah, I am absolutely passionate about being able to guide and support actors on their journey, and to help them reach their goals. So thank you so much for your review. I really, really appreciate it. And hey, if you're listening to this podcast, and you're loving what you hear, go ahead, do me a favor, just take 30 seconds out of your day, press the subscribe button if you have not yet subscribed, tap those five stars and leave me a brief review. Okay, so let's jump into today's episode. Now, some of you may or may not have noticed that last week, there actually was no podcast. And this is the very first time that there was a week off from the podcast. I've been doing a weekly podcast ever since I started, which was the fourth of January, I believe. And I have to say it was a very well deserved week off a very much needed week off. I absolutely love this podcast in pretty much broke my heart not to have a podcast last week. But I have to tell you, I am here in Sydney, and we have been in lockdown since June. And I am not gonna lie, it has been tough. And work has not slowed down. And now I've got two kids at home learning online. And let's just say that it has been a challenge to find time for everything. And last week, something had to give. So I thought you know what, I'm going to take a week off, I'm going to recharge, I'm going to refresh those batteries, I am going to come back refreshed and ready to go. And I am so glad that I did because I feel like a new person, and I am ready to go. And so in that week off, I had a moment of reflection and thinking, you know, this has been a challenge this lockdown. And one thing I do enjoy doing, and I've noticed has been a really great period of growth for a lot of actors that I've worked with has been my challenge. And so I thought, hey, maybe it's time for another challenge. And yeah, you know, this has been a challenging time for all of us around the world. But if you're here in Sydney, like me, and you might be feeling a big time right about now, because we have been in pretty big lockdown for several weeks now months. And so yeah, it got me thinking, let's do another challenge. I think it was last year when I first had the idea to do a five day challenge. And what I thought would be just a one time thing took off. And so many actors were just loving and benefiting from those five days together. So it's really proven to be a great source of inspiration and a really great rejuvenation to the American accent. If it's something that you've kind of put on the backburner. It's a really great opportunity for you to figure out what's wrong with your American accent. What's been holding you back, you know, why have you not been booking roles? Why do you not feel confident performing in the accent? And you might be feeling like, oh, I don't know, I don't know if I have what it takes to master this accent to to be believable, truthful as an American playing an American. Well, listen, if you've ever felt this way, let me just say that I hear you and that you are most definitely not alone. And the good news is, is that this is very changeable. It's very doable. If you are up for the challenge if you're ready to To train like an athlete, if you're ready to dedicate some time each day to your accent training, and if you're ready to think about your process, well, just a little bit differently. So in today's podcast, I am happy to announce that I am hosting another challenge on the 13th of September, which is next Monday. And let me tell you this, if you've done the challenge before, or if you're new to the challenge, you are going to learn something each and every day. For those that have done the challenge with me before I got a new monologue, a new challenge waiting for you and oh boy, it is a good one. Now, if you can't attend the sessions live that is okay. Because there will be replays, there will be recordings that you can watch later on. I got actors from all over the world tuning in for this challenge. And if the time is not good for you, that is okay, because you can easily follow along with the replays and still benefit greatly. So this episode today is short and sweet. Just a real quick check in to say, You know what, I think it's time to meet up next week for a little American accent training. It's one of my favorite things to do the five days to mastering the All American accent challenge. So I hope to see you there all you need to do is head over to Katherine beck.com/challenge to register and I will see you there for day one. Now make sure to share this show with all your actor friends. Let them know what's coming up next week. Invite them to join the challenge with you and to tune in to learn how to become an All American actor so you can be the Working Actor you dream to be until then go practice your American accent and I'll see you back here next time.