How To Get Your Podcast Ranked #1

apple podcaster podcasts Oct 10, 2022

Ever wonder how the top podcasters get their podcasts to rank #1 while most podcasts go unheard?

If you’re ready to crack the code on the Apple Podcasts algorithm and hear how I ranked my podcast to the #1 spot then listen up!

 By the time you finish listening, you’ll know:
  • My 3 tips to getting ranked at #1

  • Why I didn’t get ranked the first time I launched a podcast

  • How you can launch a #1 ranked podcast too

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Then follow me on Instagram to go ‘behind the scenes’ with me and my own journey as an American accent coach and Voiceover Actor.


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Katherine Beck
You're listening to the voice of your brand podcast episode number 15. In today's episode, I am revealing how I got this podcast ranked number one in marketing on Apple podcasts, and how you can do the same with your own podcast that's coming up next, ready to go behind the scenes and learn what it really takes to stand out as the voice of your brand. I'm Katherine Beck, voice actor and voice coach. And after 20 years of being the voice of other brands, I'm here to show you how your voice is your most powerful tool to creating the impact, influence and income you desire. The world is your global stage. So get ready to uplevel your voice and your personal brand. This is the voice of your brand podcast. We will get started with today's episode in just a moment. But first I want to thank Nicole over at celebrity speakers who sent me this five star review and says when it comes to personal branding, Katherine knows how to find your brand's voice. This podcast is a must listen for anyone who is in marketing. Thank you so much, Nicole. And yeah, that's really what it is all about for me is helping others find their true voice, their authentic voice, what sets them apart, what really is your brand's voice and then being able to share it with the world. So really appreciate your thoughts, your review, thank you so much. And hey, if you are out there and you are loving this podcast, loving this episode, go ahead and leave us a five star review, all you have to do is head over to Apple podcast, click the five stars. And just leave a brief review. Let us know what you think of it. And you'll get featured right here on the show as well. So if you are loving this episode, go ahead and leave us a review. Alright, let's get into it. So I want to share with you first that I just finished a mini launch. And I'm calling it a mini launch. Because I didn't do a massive promotion or runway or lead up into the launch didn't spend a whole lot of money on Facebook ads either. I didn't share too much about it. And the reason being was it was for my voice program, which got a name change, it's now called Launch your voice. And so it was a small launch. Because I'm in a testing phase, I'm reworking my messaging, reworking what I offer and rediscovering this niche. And as a voice coach who's been working primarily for actors. And really that's what I've been known for jumping into a new market, a different market, which is now working with speakers and, and working with online entrepreneurs and business owners on their voice. I needed just a little bit of time to sit and think about how do I speak to a different audience. And the reason I bring this up is it relates to what we're talking about today. And the journey that I've been on recently. So if you're sitting there and you're thinking, Well, how does that relate to me getting a number one ranked podcast? How did you do it? How can I do that too? Well, I'm going to share that with you, it all ties in together. Because there's a real importance sometimes in slowing down so that we can get the results that we want in our career in our business. And that was really the journey that I went on recently. It was an unexpected journey. But for me for the past year, I really needed to get clear on my path where I was headed, what I enjoy doing, what I don't enjoy doing and who I want to work with. And what I realized is that I want to work with a much bigger audience. And that that doesn't mean that I have to choose between working with actors and working with non actors. It means I can work with both. I can create the business that I want, I can do the things that I want. And so for me that meant okay, I know exactly what my offerings are, who my audience is, when I work with actors. I know that very well. But now how do I branch out and now speak to a different audience? So that meant creating a new podcast and getting really aligned with what I offer this audience online business owners, how can I help them what makes me unique? What's my brand's voice and so I needed some time just to kind of sift through that and figure that out. And so that meant realigning with my podcast. So for those of you that know my backstory, I have my first podcast which is the All American actress podcast, which is globally ranked among the top 1.5% of all podcasts. When I launched that podcast. It was number three in The Performing Arts category. And I was so excited about that. I thought that's amazing. So then when I decided to branch out and work with speakers as well as performers, I realized that they're really two different audiences, two different needs, even though there's so many similarities. I just couldn't speak to speakers the same way I could speak to performers, because it just did not serve both needs. And it actually was doing a disservice to my actors and what we've created in the first podcast. So therefore, I started a new podcast, it was called the voice for business. It launched about this time last year, and it did, okay, it launched I think around, oh, gosh, I don't have the numbers in front of me, I want to say was number 32. Or it might have been even lower than that. I can't remember exactly. At any rate, it wasn't great. But it wasn't so bad. It just wasn't number three. And I had put on my vision board. Around that time, sometime last year that I wanted to be a number one ranked podcast, I have the number one from Apple podcasts on my vision board, I actually had it on my phone. And every single day, when I turned on my phone, I would look at that. And it was one of those things that I didn't know whether or not would happen, but I helped was on my vision board. Anyway, I wasn't really clear with what I was talking about on the voice for business podcast, meaning I didn't really feel fully aligned with it, I really struggled with the topics and ideas for the podcasts. And it just felt really hard. So I stopped. I took a step back from that, I took a step back from my voice program that I had created for entrepreneurs. And I wanted to get really clear in my head when I was doing all my serving, what are their needs? And what makes me unique? And how can I serve this audience? What can I offer them that maybe they're not already getting? So I thought, and I thought and I thought, and then I bought some more. And one day, it was like the light bulb clicked. And I thought, Wait a second. Hang on. I'm a voiceover artist still to this day. And the things that I've learned about being the voice of all these other big brands and big companies, there's so much skill, and so much that relates to what the online business owner is doing. And does. I mean, they are personal brands. So they are in a sense the face and voice of their brand. And when I am the voice of other brands, I am taught certain skills that I bring to the table every time I speak in front of the microphone. And what if I shared with personal brands, my expertise and how to stand out as a brand. I was like, Oh my gosh, that's it, the podcast is going to be about that being the voice of your brand, what that means, how I can share my own insight and tips on that and talk to other amazing personal brands that really have stepped foot into being the voice of their brand, having a strong vision, standing up for it and amplifying their voice online, whether it's through a podcast. So we'll be talking a lot about podcasting on here, or in other platforms. And so I was ready to relaunch the podcast. So when I did, I had no expectations. And so these top three things that I'm going to share with you now is why I got to number one, you ready? Alright, let's dive in. Number one was, well, I just shared it with you. I had no expectations, I had detached myself from the outcome. And this was actually the first time I remember fully doing this. In business. This is a hard thing to do. As an actor, I struggled with this, you know, not allowing my emotions to get the best of me always wanting to book the role. And as much as you're told to, you know, do the audition and then forget about it. It's hard to do. As an online business owner, when you're in a launch, you put that little extra bit of pressure on yourselves because you want that goal, you want to hit your numbers, you want to make a certain amount of money. And so there's that little bit of extra pressure we put on ourselves, and as much as we tell ourselves not to somewhere deep down inside, still thinking about it. And this was a first time I didn't let it get to me. I let the emotions go I detached from the outcome. Maybe it was because this was my third podcast launch. I had launched the All American actors podcast I had launched the voice for business podcast and now I will launching the voice of your brand podcast. So, in a sense, I was a launching podcast Pro. So maybe that made it easier. Regardless, I let go of expectation detached from the outcome, and released any emotions. Number two, and I think this was critical and crucial for me to getting that number one spot was this. I kept going until I got to number one, I did not stop. So when I launched the first day, after 24 hours, I was in the number three spot number three again, just like the first podcast and I thought, hey, that's great. That's good enough, right? I'm close to number one. Maybe it's just not for me. Maybe I'm not meant to get number one. Maybe my vision board is wrong. I don't know. I just I started second guessing and going, Ah, maybe I'm not worthy of number one, right? Ah, those silly limiting beliefs. So that was my first thought. Then I thought, You know what, hold on, hang on, I can do this. I'm so close. Let's give it a try. Let's see what tomorrow brings. So on day two, I was number two, then I thought, okay, if I am number two, surely, I can keep on going until I get to number one. Surely tomorrow, I should be number one. So I kept going day three, I wake up, I'm number two. Then I went back to what if it's not meant to be, maybe I'm not worthy of that number one spot limiting belief was back again. But then I had a conversation with somebody. And he said to me, keep going, don't stop until you get to number one, you keep on going. And I thought okay, I will listen, I can do this. I'm gonna keep on going and as hard and as challenging as it felt in that moment. And there was this thought in the back of my head. But what if it doesn't happen? What if it's not for me? What if I'm not meant to get that number one spot, I just kept going. And so the next morning, on day four, when I woke up and saw number one, I realized, wow, in those moments, because they're going to pop up in your head, you're going to have that little voice that says, You're not worthy, it's not going to happen for you. You're not meant to get what you want. Just stop, I realized that those are the moments. That's the test in that moment of not giving in if not backing down into that thought. And instead, keep going keep moving forward. And I did a number three I showed up and I spread the word. I got it out there. And this is how I did it daily on Instagram talking to camera telling people about the journey about the podcast about the rankings, what the rankings were for that day how I was so close and to share the word follow review, share you know with anyone you know to please support the podcast I showed up on tick tock did the same thing. I asked everyone I knew around me in person, when I would see them I would call them on the phone. When I was at the gym, please subscribe and review. I talked to as many people as I could, in a very short period of time to make sure that we got to that number one spot. And that was not easy because in marketing, I had to surpass Jenna Kutcher and Amy Porterfield, they had the number one and number two spot. So this was not easy to do. But I did it. And I did it with willpower, determination and stubbornness, never giving up. And with a great strategy to I should say, and what I had learned about launching, I had learned from my podcast coach who was Courtney Elmer. This is a woman who taught me step by step the process for launching a top ranked podcast. And she has truly created a great formula. Why? Because I have ranked number one. And I've seen two other people in her program rank number one as well. So it's pretty incredible. So if you are thinking about launching a podcast, she's actually got a three day workshop coming up towards the end of the month, I'll put a link in the show notes. So you can register and learn more about starting a podcast, I highly recommend checking out this training. It was one of the best investments I made is learning how to launch a top ranked podcast. So that's my story of getting to number one. And whether you're thinking about starting a podcast or you already have one, or even if you don't, the moral of the story, the theme of this podcast is to never give up. Never give up on that goal or that vision because it will happen and the only one on stopping it from happening is you so get out there, make those dreams a reality. That's it for today's podcast. Thanks so much for tuning in. And remember to share the show with all your friends. Invite them to tune in with you and learn how to be the voice of your brand. Until then go on, get out there and share your voice with the world. And I'll see you back here next time.