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Join Launch Your Voice Now!

To the 'Industry's best kept secret' who's ready to captivate every stage when they speak:

Amplify your message, impact & income with your  MOST POWERFUL  sales & marketing tool...YOUR VOICE! 

Great Speakers haven't always been great speakers. 

They've discovered how to harness the power of their voice to get the results they want...

...and so can you!

When your clients say:

"I never knew how much speaking actually is one of the biggest sales mechanisms one can have in their business and now so glad I have more control and know how to use my voice to help impact others."

You know you have created something special!

Look, I totally get it. Showing up online to grow your audience and grow your business can be awkward and sometimes even scary!

And if you’re like most personal brands, whether you're a digital course creator, coach & membership owner, or provide a service, you got into business to serve others, make money doing what you love to do and create a greater impact in the world.

NOT to dance on tik tok, point to captions on instagram and guest speak on as many podcasts as you can.

But here's the thing...it's a crowded market place.

What's worse is that social media strategists have led you to believe that if you post more frequently or spend more on ads that you will grow your business.

No matter what you do or how often you post it feels like nothing is landing or helping you get to that next level in your business. 

And that's because...


It's not just what you say...it's How you say it.

93% of communication is nonverbal. So if you're spending most of your time on the written word and not on the actually delivery of your words, how do you expect your audience to connect with you and want to buy from you?

Chances are you could be repelling your audience away and didn't even know it. 

That's because our voice carries our thoughts, our insecurities and our beliefs.

Maybe you want to be seen as a thought leader and expert but you feel uncomfortable speaking up. We will hear it in your voice.

Think about the top thought leaders and influencers. Would you follow them if they sounded insecure, hesitant, or awkward? No!

You follow them & listen to them because they inspire you.

You may have spent countless hours writing the perfect content but...
If you’re doing this:

Hiding away from speaking and letting your audience get to know you because you are afraid to be heard or noticed or judged then...


YOU'RE missing out on so many opportunities...
to grow your audience & build your dream business!

I mean... is that what you want? To remain stuck in your tracks, hesitant to speak up and show up as your authentic self?

Chances are the answer is no.

You have a voice.

You have a powerful message and it needs to be heard!

Stand up for what you believe in and believe in the importance of what you have to say!

And when you start to open up your voice you will let your audience in and you will...create influence & impact & increase your sales!


Your Voice Has the ability to:


AND YOUR voice is YOUR personal brand!

It tells a story of who you are.

You may have spent thousands of dollars on your  'personal brand' image. Your hair, your clothes, your photos. 

BUT all the beauty on the outside cannot hide the way we feel on the inside.
Our inner dialogue can be heard through our voice. Your voice is your brand's voice.

And when you think about the most successful influencers & thought leaders in your industry...

They ALL have one thing in common:

They know how to be authentic, captivate attention, tell a moving story and inspire change! 

If you can't keep your audience's attention or connect to them on a deeper level that's probably why you don't have the results you desire in your  business.

so ask yourself this:

Are you lost in the sea of online noise?

  • You are not consistently showing up on social media.

  •  When you do show up on social media you rely on cookie cutter strategies the social media gurus say to do.

  • You're not talking to camera, instead rely on (image & carousel posts) to do the talking for you.

  •  You follow 'what to say' templates from a messaging course thinking that will grow your audience & business.

  •  You are talking AT your audience & haven't established a genuine connection with your audience.

  • You are speaking with fake enthusiasm, fake authenticity & fake authority which means your audience does not know, like or trust you.

    Now ask yourself...

  • Do you say 'um' every 5 seconds?
  • Do speak too fast?
  • Do you mumble your words?
  • Do you speak on one note?
  • Do you get stuck in your head and over analyse when you speak. 
  • Do you have great content and messaging but you lack an emotional or personal connection with your audience?
  • Do you attract or repel your audience?

Think about how often you use your voice in your business.

Imagine if you knew how to influence every time you showed up on instagram, tik tok, through a podcast, through a webinar or a discovery call?

How much more of an intimate relationship will happen because they feel like they’re having a real conversation with you, they feel heard and seen.

How much more impact could you make?

How much easier would it be to sell?

Your voice will always be your most powerful tool you have to creating influence, impact and income.

ANd I totally GET IT!

You might be thinking....this sounds great but I don't have time for this...

But chances are if you don't have the time then you are probably going unheard.

Which means you'll have to work longer and harder to get heard.

And if you have a business you probably already know that in order to work less you need to outsource things in your business. I mean, you can't run a successful 6 or 7 figure business on your own, can you?

But here's the thing...the one thing you cannot outsource is you!

Your business & your audience NEED you to show up!

We want to get to know the REAL you.

And when you don't show up we can't get to know you. 

You could have the best product, be the best coach, have the best  course, provide the best service. You could be THE AUTHORITY BUT if you don't show up, speak up and SOUND like the authority you are then you'll continue to be the Industry's best kept secret. 

So, if you don't have the time you gotta ask yourself, what is it costing you?

Where could your business be 12 weeks from now by utilising the most powerful sales & marketing tool you have in your arsenal...your voice?

you can uplevel the results in your business by upleveling your voice.


The Complete Step-by-step  process  to becoming a captivating speaker so you can get your audience to know, like , trust & BUY from you within the first 6 seconds of hearing your voice.

Check out the results of some of my clients:

Brandon Lucero
Messaging Expert


"I started to see better performances on podcasts & video, I was more engaging. I was keeping people all the way to the end, I was getting people to interact with me.

 I actually had a ton of subconscious bad habits that were affecting the performance of my webinar and I had no idea what was really going on. Katherine found them, revealed them and changed them."


Lindsay Jani
Self Transformation Coach 


"I never knew how much speaking actually is one of the biggest sales mechanisms one can have in their business and now so glad I have more control and know how to use my voice to help impact others."

"I've been asked to be a guest on podcasts and made sales that I can confidently and directly attribute to what they heard me say, or rather how I said it!"


Network Marketing Coach

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you join Launch Your Voice…

Module 1:

Build Your

Authentic Brand Voice

Release the invisible blocks that are getting in the way from you authentically expressing yourself to your audience. 

Imagine how much more enjoyable it will be to speak in front of your audience once you release your old voice story!

In phase one we will discover your old voice story, the thoughts that hold you back & create a new voice story so you can speak with conviction, confidence and clarity. 

Inside of Launch Your Voice you'll also discover your voice identity & your brand's voice so you can easily stand out and be more visible. 

Build the voice that matches your authority and matches your brand.

Module 2:

Master The Nonverbal Elements Of Voice

Build the foundation for a powerful voice!

Discover the key non verbal elements in your voice toolkit that will attract attention, sustain engagement and build authority. 

What if I told you that by shifting the projection of your voice, the pace in which you speak, the pitch, the tone of your voice you can convey to your audience that you are a thought leader and leading expert in your niche?

What if I told you that your vocal presence could also be the thing that is holding you back from getting the results that you desire? 

Inside this training we will cover:

  • Pace (finding the rhythm to your thoughts)
  • Pause (utilising the potential moments within the words and reducing the 'uhm' or other filler words)
  • Projection (Sending the sounds and the vocal energy out to your audience)
  • Pitch (Unlocking the melody within your message)

You'll also learn how to use your voice in specific key messaging elements like your introduction (who/what statement, your your signature story and pivoting to your offer. 

Module 3:

Subconscious & Persuasive Communication

LOGIC DOESN'T SELL! Subconscious & Persuasive communication does.

Master my signature strategy: Subconscious & Persuasive communication so you can always influence, and impact any audience to take action.

Discover how to blend your powerful message, spotlight your CONNECTION words and connect to your audience on a deeper level so they can know, like, trust you and buy from you. 

Learn how to create specificity and personalisation in your audience engagement so you can sustain their interest, get them to feel like you're talking 1:1 with them and draw them in to your every word.

I’ve also Included my Persuasive Presentation Road Map so you can easily convert sales conversations.

Module 4:

The Unseen Connection To Your Audience

Discover how to create a personal connection to your audience so you can create interest and desire for your product, program or service.

Discover the power of your vocal energy & creating a presence on stage & on screen.

You will discover how to break down that invisible barrier between you and your audience so that the conversation feels authentic and real every time. Learn how to impact your audience through my 3 step process that you can use in a podcast, in an Instagram live, in launching a product or program or any way you might  communicate with your audience. 

Inside of this module we will work through:

  • Speak to many like you speak to 1 formula
  • 1:1 conversations
  • Create engagement on live presentations
  • Interview techniques

Module 5:

Million Dollar Experience

Create a million dollar experience so you can captivate your audience every you time you speak on stage.

And when I say 'stage' I mean any time you speak (in video content, podcasts, keynote speeches, meetings, a webinar, any time you speak!)

Learn how to prep before you speak so you can calm those nerves and feel confident in front of any audience.

Learn my effective voice techniques to trouble shoot anything that is impacting your voice and your presentations.

Use my Post Performance debrief to assess your delivery and know how to optimise your next million dollar experience.

Secret formula:

The 6 Second Sell

Get your audience to Know, Like & Trust you within the first 6 seconds of hearing your voice.

I'll break down how to use the 6 second sell in all of your video content, podcasting, interviews keynote presentations and sales events.

Nowhere else will you be able to learn the 6 Second Sell. This is my own unique formula based on over 20 years of being the voice of big brands.

PLus 12 weeks of coaching, accountbility, practice sessions & feedback inside the Launch Your Voice Community. 

This is where the magic happens inside of The Launch Your Voice Community. 

Every week we focus on:

1.Amplifying your voice & growing your audience inside of our Sound Strategy Calls. Topics include guest podcasting, private podcast funnels, video content, etc.

2. Putting into practice what you're learning in our Messaging in Motion calls.

This is the place to receive feedback on your content & delivery. 

Join us for specialised practice sessions like Podcasting Interview techniques, Hosting, Presenting, Elevator pitch, Origin Story, Sales Calls, keynote speeches, Sales Presentations & more!

You've got access to 24 calls during the 12 week coaching Accelerator. Plus monthly challenges to get you taking inspired actions and getting results fast!

“This is AMAZING! 
...But What IF I Don’t Like The Sound Of My Voice?!”

You may be thinking...can I really do this? I don't like the way I sound. 

That's exactly why you're here. To discover all the possibilities you have within your voice.

Imagine playing only 2 notes on a piano... of course that's going to sound boring!

Inside of Launch Your Voice you will learn how to fully utilise your vocal instrument so you can speak with variety, clarity and conviction!

And these are skills you can use not only in your professional life but your personally life too! 

You will FINALLY understand how to get out of your head and communicate with your heart. 

That's EXACTLY what you'll learn inside of Launch Your Voice so you can create influence & Impact on a Global Stage. To be seen as the AUTHORITY and sound like your authentic, expert self. 


12 monthly insallments of $229 USD

(Just $229 USD Today!)


Click Here to Save $251 When You Pay in Full!

I've been able to reconnect with my voice and realise that I have something to say. And when I speak, people benefit. And now I connect even better with my ideal clients. I'm cutting through all of that noise online. I'm able to turn up online, do a live video, be my authentic self, speak my truth.

ALEXANDRA WHITEHEAD, Founder of The Practice Activator

"Katherine helped me to work on formats that used to intimidate me.  I started showing up on Instagram reels and I now have a podcast and YouTube channel."

LOTUS STEWART, Founder of Art History Kids

And Check out these amazing bonuses I have for you: 

When You Enroll You’ll Get these amazing 


(Valued at over $5,000)

Designed to give you fast & effective results!



Personalised Voice Assessment & Practice Plan

✓Receive PERSONALISED FEEDBACK on your voice through an initial assessment of your accent as well as a final voice assessment upon completion of the program.

✓ Initial Voice Assessment & AUDIT of your content 
Set yourself up for success by knowing what you should be focusing on as you work through the program. Get personalised feedback on your voice when you submit your initial voice assessment. I will audit how your voice is being received on your content (reel, sales call, webinar, keynote speech, etc)

✓Personalised action steps
Get personalised feedback on the progress of your voice when you submit your final voice assessment. Discover where you have improved and what steps to take next.

✓Receive a tailor-made Voice plan 
Your voice plan is based on your own voice objectives so you can reach maximum vocal impact! 


Secret Podcast Launch Processes

Plan - Publish - Promote your Secret Podcast in just 1 day!

  • Discover why a secret podcast is the most effective way to get leads & sales right now!
  • In just one day you'll have the plan and strategy to publish and promote your secret podcast.
  • Utilise the secret podcast as your free opt-in as well as your sales mechanism.
  • I'll be sharing the exact strategy to create a secret podcast for your lead magnet, live launch or evergreen audio series.


PodcastGuest Speaking Playbook

The Guest Podcasting Playbook is the ultimate guide and tracking system to guest podcasting. 

✓Podcast guest one sheet templates.

✓Guest Podcast pitching and tracking system

✓Pitch process and swipe file.


Prep talk audios

✓ Prepare your mind, body & voice before you speak with the prep talk audios

  • Calm your nerves, warm up your voice and master your confident state of mind so you can present like a pro any time you speak. 


Confident On Camera

✓Receive HOT SEAT COACHING & feedback on your content

✓ 3 Monthly Masterclasses
Discover how to utilise your voice in your business through monthly specialised trainings like:

podcasting, sales calls, keynote speaking, guest interviews & more!

So LET'S RECAP what's included!

When you join Launch Your Voice you'll have everything you need to speak with influence, impact & connection so you can get to the next level in your business. 

✔️Step-by-step Process that guides you through the 5 phases of Voice Training. 

✔️12 weeks of Group Coaching

✔️Weekly voice assignments that you can start implementing right away.

 ✔️Community & support to maximise your results by working in a group environment.

✔️Amazing Bonuses to accelerate your progress.

"I didn't realise that what was coming through my voice was not matching up with what I was trying to say. there was a really big nuance there that Katherine enlightened me about nd it dramatically changed the way that I speak not only on sales calls, but now with our team."

Evergreen Sales Expert

“Katherine really opened my eyes about just how much goes into a well delivered presentation."

"She was able to offer simple yet powerful tips for me to practice with to improve my vocal skills. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your online presentations, or be able to coach your clients better, it's a no brainer to work with Katherine and draw on her experience and expertise."

Kylie Russell
Co-Creator, Hybrid Health Program

12 monthly insallments of $229 USD

(Just $229 USD Today!)


Click Here to Save $251 When You Pay in Full! 

Choose quickLy!

Because our registration period won't be open forever. The doors to Launch Your Voice are closing soon!

Once the doors close you will have to wait until the next time we open up enrollment.

My team and I are here to support you. So let's not waste any more time wondering what to do. Take action now and let's turn those dreams and goals into a reality.


$2497 USD


  • 5 Core Training Modules ($8,000 value)
  •  Login 24/7 (practice anytime and at your own pace)
  • The 6 Second Sell Formula 
  • 12 Weeks Group Coaching Calls ($12,000 value)
  • Personalised Voice Assessment & Practice Plan Bonus ($2000 value)
  • Secret Podcast Launch Processes ($997 value)
  • Guest Podcasting Playbook Bonus ($997 value)
  • Prep Talk Audios ($997 value)
  • Confident On Camera Masterclass ($997 value)
  • Private LYV Community (priceless)
  •  Free Updates. & Lifetime Access to the program 


$6000 USD


  • 8 Intensive Private Coaching Sessions to prep you for your next presentation or launch
  • Voxer support 
  • Feedback on content & sales presentations
  • 5 Core Training Modules ($8,000 value)
  •  Login 24/7 (practice anytime and at your own pace)
  • The 6 Second Sell Formula 
  • 12 Weeks Group Coaching Calls ($12,000 value)
  • Personalised Voice Assessment & Practice Plan Bonus ($2000 value)
  • Secret Podcast Launch Processes ($997 value)
  • Guest Podcasting Playbook Bonus ($997 value)
  • Prep Talk Audios ($997 value)
  • Confident On Camera Masterclass ($997 value)
  • Private LYV Community (priceless)
  •  Free Updates. & Lifetime Access to the program 

"Katherine not only helped me get clarity  in my speech but confidence in my voice.

"As being the voice of my business I am so thankful for teaching me the things I needed to be brave, speak and be heard."

Train To Sustain

Got a question?

Have a question you need answered before enrolling in Launch Your Voice?

Book a call to speak with Katherine to see if Launch Your Voice is a right for for you.



Here are SoME Commonly Asked Questions!

Below is a list of the questions most commonly asked. If you don't see your question, simply email our support team at [email protected] and we will be sure to answer your question.

© Katherine Beck 2022. All Rights Reserved.       PRIVACY POLICY       TERMS & CONDITIONS